Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A "Heated" Debate

Today's debate on global warming in class got really heated! It was awesome to see a side of people that you don't usually see, and it was sometimes a little scary watching people tear each other apart. I enjoy debating immensely and for a while in high school I thought I wanted to be a lawyer when I grew up. I was involved in mock trial, my mom was the coach, and won two outstanding attorney awards in the two years I was involved in it. Although I get really nervous talking in front of crowds, thinking quickly on my feet is something I feel I specialize in. I'm the kind of guy that always wants my opinion to be right, and so I love tearing apart opponents, especially the opposing council in today's debate! I think it's the inner lawyer trying to get out. I'm going to change my major. I've already decided that being a Political Science major is probably the best fit for me. It matches up well with a history major as well, and possibly even law school??? Who knows... I guess I'm still stuck in this part of my life where I just want to keep running and playing my trumpet and gaining knowledge in my classes here at Wartburg. It's kind of scary when I think about it. I wish I could be one of those people that has their whole life figured out. But I guess I have to do what I do best, think quick on my feet :)

1 comment:

  1. I sat through jury selection last spring and the prosecutor was a complete dope - and I really mean it. I told my husband that if there was ever a crime committed against me to make sure this guy was not the prosecutor.

    I would be honored to have you press my case. You have many of the necessary skills already!
