Thursday, December 10, 2009

Final Paper

So I am working on my final paper for IS 101 and having trouble with it. It shouldn't be that hard, since I am doing Michael Crichton's The Lost World, but I am having some difficulty finding some sources. My grade is sitting fine right now, but I want this paper to make me feel proud of my writing skills. I want this paper to be for me, and how much I have learned about Jurassic Park. The letter grade will be the letter grade and there's no getting around that, but I will be much more satisfied if I can tell myself that I gave it my all in this last, final paper. I'm reading over the sciences that I have to cover on the final project guide that my professor sent out, but Crichton doesn't talk a lot about genetic engineering in this book. Having said that, I don't want my professor to think that I am shirking my duties by not addressing it, instead I will discuss Crichton's stance on extinction and compliment that with his stance on evolution. Both sciences play a crucial role in his novel, and they are very interesting subjects. Crichton talks about behavior extinction, and that is very hard to research! I think I will just cite the book for behavior extinction and back that up with some general extinction facts from top notch sources. Since I am a creationist, researching evolution will be a fun task that will test my faith as well as make me grow as an open-minded, liberally educated person.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to reading it tomorrow!

    Your section on the Luther rivalry had me laughing. My nephew has gone to Dorian during the summers so I bought him a Wartburg shirt and told him he could wear it the next summer. I don't believe he did that!

    BTW - my sister went to Luther but I don't think she has the same pride that I do in good old Wartburg! :-)

    I have appreciated your blogs, your writings, and your additions to our class this semester. It has been a joy to have you in class and I wish you luck in the next semester!
