Sunday, October 11, 2009

Balancing Sports and Music

Here at Wartburg I am involved in both cross country and band. Music and sports have always been an important aspect in my life and will continue to be for the rest of my life. Growing up I was a four sport athlete and played trumpet and piano since I was in third grade. Here at Wartburg, sports and music are top notch and being a Division III school gives me the the opportunity to participate, and hopefully succeed, in both. It all seems fine and dandy on paper, but there's a catch. Cross country and band both meet at the same time, sometimes a concert will conflict with a race, and there's the whole time commitment issue. However, here at Wartburg everyone works really well together. To be a part of the band program I have to be at rehearsals 50% of the time and since my band meets only four times a week that means I only have to go to band two times a week. That means I have to miss cross country practice two times a week, but that's okay. Coach Johnson works really well with me and I get to miss easy days and just run by myself. I love being a part of programs who are willing to share me and even make sacrifices in order to keep me happy. Already I feel that I am a better runner and musician just by placing myself into both programs and putting in some solid effort to challenge myself. Wartburg is nationally known for their sport teams and their music program and I am honored to be able to participate in both, even if it doesn't give me a lot of free time. Sacrifices are always going to have to be made, but I feel that God has given me this chance to become a more liberal student and imersing myself into deeper waters of knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Learning to balance all of your commitments now will also help you in life as you balance the many different things that are thrown your way.

    "To whom much has been given, much will be asked." A beautiful sentiment, but also a daunting one!
