Monday, September 14, 2009

Jurassic Park Day 1

I first watched Jurassic Park was when I was 8 or 9 years old and wow did I sure have nightmares for a long time. I eventually got over my fear of the movie and it has been one of my favorites to watch! Even since I was a toddler dinosaurs have fascinated me. Growing up I owned a sizable collection of dinosaur figurines and had an extensive knowledge of each dinosaur and its name. Now that I am older, not only do the dinosaurs still fascinate me, but I also have obtained a strong interest and curiosity for the science behind Jurassic Park. One character that sticks out the most in the movie is Dr. Ian Malcolm, the mathematician behind the Chaos Theory. Dr. Malcolm predicts that the Jurassic Park will in time fail because chaotic and complex systems, mixed with the right amount of undisciplined conditions, cannot be controlled. My favorite scene so far is at the beginning when Dr. Grant first sees the Brachiosaurus upon entering the park. His display of awe struck befuddlement sends shivers up my arms because in my opinion, his reaction is a perfect fit for what each and everyone of us would do in that situation. Not only are the actors top notch, but the music generates an insatiable need to not only keep watch on the movie, but to keep an open ear for the next strategically placed song that may warn of impending danger. I absolutely love watching this movie and am already looking forward to the upcoming class this Wednesday.

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